

  1. Gather supplies. I have them all listed on this 8GRD Supply List, every notecard, map, and worksheet.
  2. Construct a realistic schedule.  I reworked the reading schedule to even it out. Here’s mine. 

English (Easy Grammar Plus)

  • Read over the text book and syllabus. There is SO MUCH repetition. Decide what you think of that. Here’s my adaptationIf the kids do well, they get Friday off. If not, I go back and grab the REPEAT worksheets for that week’s topics and they do that.


  • Look over the history/religion assignments, overviews, and the books themselves.
  • Make a plan for history discussion. Read the books!  If you can’t read them all, fine, but shoot for over 50%. (I never get around to this discussion, but I’ll share something I found in the “special ed” syllabi. 8GRD kids summarize each chapter in <7 sentences. My kids type it into a google doc. I check it every month or so.)
  • Print out my timeline assignments. Or make plans of your own.  It’s not a simple task and it will catch you both off-guard if you haven’t already got it laid out.
  • Get your Europe and World maps ready. Bookmark my memrise deck of terms.  


  • Get your vocab in order. Check out my resources here.



  • Look over Story of the Church AND the assignments. Print my  Virtues/Vices list and Catechism 8GRD. The book format for SOTC really threw my kid.  Me too for a sec.  It kind of reminds me of how P&P didn’t put it’s chapter numbers at the beginning so it was hard to figure out where you were from the assignments. Try reading through the syllabus assignments with the book nearby so at least one of you understands the organization.
