A Peek Inside: Easy Make and Learn Projects- Colonial America



Easy Make and Learn Projects-Colonials America  is a book of patterns for models and paper projects.  There’s at least one for each of the colonies, including Roanoke.   The book recommends that you reproduce the patterns on larger, or at least thicker, paper.  We ran it through our copier/scanner/printer on card stock and it worked beautifully.  Our favorite so far is the Jamestown map.  My daughter still has it somewhere.

There are maps, dioramas, models.  If you dig that kind of thing, you can spend lots of time in this book.  It’s only suggested one week in the syllabus, but if you are a hands-on family, it would be fun enrichment.

But, it depends on your kids’ personalities.  My artist child adores it and uses it well beyond what the syllabus prescribes.  My oldest didn’t love it at all.