4GRD State Maps & Hook



A commenter asked me for USA map keys today.  I never realized that I didn’t post those.  I totally take requests, yo!

Also helpful, another mom, Shannon Crouch, came up with a trick for the state area memory work. In order of land area: Alaska, Texas, California, Montana, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado:

“All the cats meow now and never claw.”  
And then the states that correspond. My 8 year daughter old helped think of it 🙂 NEVer is clever because its NEVada.


All of the d-maps should be traceable on top of each other so you can get rivers in with the states, etc.  I couldn’t find a d-map with mountains, so I pulled it from this site (http://gamesforgeography.com/learn_united_states_features.html).  It’s not going to be the identical size like the d-maps, but hopefully you can get what you need.

4GRD map-o-rama as pdf

caps names



states names






rivers blank