If you don’t know this book, you should. It’s DELIGHTFUL. Marigold Hunt wrote Life of Our Lord for Children. This one is a great series of Bible stories about angels. My kids ADORE IT.
It’s no joke, though. It will take you weeks to get through.
Next you’ll see a blurry picture of my favorite Book of Virtues Series.
It has many of the regular stories recommended in the syllabus…but there’s PICTURES.
You can get these for $4 on Amazon. There’s four or five of them, or you can get the 400 page Treasury of them. It’s cheap too!
Below you see our favorite Wildsmith book. He does LOTS of them, but all of the illustrations look the same to my kids. However, this one is told through the eyes of a talking donkey. Winner!
His work is gorgeous, but everything is tiny and my kids find it hard to identify with the characters. See?
So, one is enough for us. Donkey wins.
Next you see one of Ficocelli’s “Child’s Guide” books. Stanton wrote some too, but so far, Fococelli wrote all of our favorites.
It reads like a STORY, not a catechism or St. Joseph Picture book. My kids all gather round to hear about confession. YAY.
The below book is one of my favorite authors. Driscoll’s words really work for us, but we’re not sure about the illustration in this one.
There’s something with the eye focus that makes her look blind in several pictures. But, like I said, the words are GREAT.
Below is one of two fun Patrick stories that are 2-3 day chapter books. They’re not long like Marigold Hunt or Houselander, but they will take a few days. Bit longer than a D’aulaire, not as long as a skinny Windeatt.
This first one by Janda was really easy to find on Abebooks.com. It’s got pretty involved black and white illustrations.
The one by Driscoll, who did the Therese book, is fun too.
The illustrations are simple and glance-worthy, not as involved as the Janda book, but we still like the words a lot. I think we’d be a fan of anything he wrote. He handles sad stuff in a way that we can take.