New Saints Books: Modomnoc, Martin, Vincent, and Seton


This is a sweet, self-published book called St. Vincent, Friend of the Poor that I think is going to by popular in our home.    It’s longer than some of the Betz books, but shorter than a Windeatt.  It might take a week for us to read.  There are a couple of REALLY potentially sad parts that turn out okay.  Nothing that a little reword can’t fix for my kids.

Below you see the new Martin De Porres book.  It’s LOVELY!!

I’m so glad to have such a beautiful book to introduce before the no-color-having Betz book.


The next shot is out of focus, but it’s a great book.  Saint Felix and the Spider by Dessi Jackson gives some personality to the spider that isn’t in the original, but the pictures are beautiful.




The next book is an Orthodox book, as you can see from the dress below, but the saint himself wasn’t.


If you can get past that, then this is an adorable book about a saint that had a St. Francis type relationship with bees.  St. Modomnoc.  The Saint and his Bees by Dessi Jackson. So cute!
I’m so relieved to have found this new series.

Her story is so SAD.  My kids can’t take it.  But this little slim book glazes over it nicely.  The books are about $5 each, which is great, but their really slim.  They feel like the books you get at the Chick-Fil-A drive thru.  But, for a family that requires picture books with cheery illustrations, they’re a LIFE SAVER.  I’m going to get the following to precede our picture-less books.