Memory Work Binder System

I don’t do well with a big list of assignments.  And for school, my children have phonics, states/captials, poems, catechism, and history dates to memorize.  Do your Latin words.  Go over the Ten Commandments.  Mayflower landed when?

Multiply it times three kids….and well, my “To Make Them Do” list is overwhelming!  So now I’ve reduced it to one thing: Review your cards.

I got an index card binder, pictured above, and filled it with their weekly assignments.  On Sunday afternoon, I sit down and write all their spelling and dates and poetry stanzas for the week are on cards.  I punch holes through any flash cards that came in a pack and pull out whatever cards are now unnecessary.

Once a day, I hand them the little binder (or go through it with them for emergent readers).

*I no longer keep all the kids memory work in one binder, but I still use these.  It’s just that lots of their flash cards overlap, so keeping a separate binder for each child would mean rebuying sets over and over.  I still combine all their memory work, but multiple kids may share the same little binder*